Nodeschool Denver/Boulder

Next Node.js Event

Mon Feb 16th: Node on Docker - from development to delivery

Next Nodeschool

Monday Jan 19th: Nodeschool Where: Code Talent in Denver Time: 6:30pm

What is Nodeschool is a open source community that helps interested beginners get started with Node.js.

NodeSchool has installable choose-your-own-adventure style lessons to learn how to use Node.js, npm and other related tools by writing code to solve realistic problems. You can head over to and check out the courses.

The lessons run in your terminal and work on Windows, Mac and Linux.

As a student you are required to bring your own laptop (Mac, Linux, or Windows). Instructions with how and what to install will follow. Food, drinks, and wifi will be provided. Mentors will be on hand to help you get setup, ask questions, and assist you in your Node.js adventure.

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