Nodeschool Bratislava #9: Getting started with React from Zero
🗓 Friday, 30.11.2018, 🕔17:00
Register here (Not required, but will help us 😉)
👉 https://rmbrk.typeform.com/to/xXoYFi 👈
This event is suitable for newcomers with little to no javascript experience. If you have some experience with javascript, you will have a recapitulation of the parts that are essential for React development.
🎓Join us as a mentor if you are experienced with Javascript and React. You will learn from the experience of teaching others.
🎤 main speaker/mentor Marcel Mokoš - Medium publications:
🧸 mentors/helping hands
- Olšo - (linkedin, https://olso.space)
- Viktor - (linkedin, github.com/viktorko99)
💻 Bring your notebook. If you do not have a suitable device, please write a comment and ask others for help.
🥤☕️🍰 Sponsored food and beverages by https://www.ableneo.com/
We do not know if we will be able to cover the whole program for the event. The plan is to follow with an event entirely focused on React development.
Sponsored by:
NodeSchool Bratislava will be at local hackerspace Progressbar, at Dunajska 14 street in Downtown of Bratislava. Ring the bell Progressbar and go to the first floor. On the left you will see doors to hackerspace Progressbar.
How to start with NodeSchool
First, you need to install Node.js runtime from https://nodejs.org and then you can pick a workshopper from https://nodeschool.io/#workshopper-list
npm install -g learnyounode
More information
Join Gitter chat, place Going on Facebook event and invite others and see you at place