NodeSchool is a collection of workshops that help you learn JavaScript by writing code and solving challenges. Join the Osaka community on GitHub, or Live Developer Chat on Gitter.
npm install -g learnyounode
» HELLO WORLD(こんにちは世界)
» BABY STEPS(ベイビーステップ)
» MY FIRST I/O!(私の初めてのI/O!)
npm install -g browserify-adventure-jp
npm install -g levelmeup-jp
It's also world-wide community of meet-ups where mentors and students work through the courses together and share what they've learnt.
It's a group of volunteers around the world, answering questions, and explaining concepts.
It's all open-source so anyone can contribute. It's all powered by volunteers; anyone can write a course, host an event, or answer a question.
It all sounds too good to be true, but it's real and it's pretty awesome, so come get involved.